Statistics Workbook Source Files

Student Edition

General Stuff

Chapter 1: Sampling and Data

Chapter 2: Descriptive Statistics

Chapter 3: Probability

Chapter 4: Discrete Random Variables

Chapter 6: The Normal Distribution

Chapter 7: The Central Limit Theorem

Chapter 8: Confidence Intervals

Chapter 9: Hypothesis Tests with One Sample

Chapter 10: Hypothesis Testing with Two Samples

Chapter 11: Chi-Square Distribution: Goodness-of-Fit

Chapter 12: Linear Regression and Correlation

Appendix: Tables

Instructor Edition

General Stuff

Chapter 1: Sampling and Data

Chapter 2: Descriptive Statistics

Chapter 3: Probability

Chapter 4: Discrete Random Variables

Chapter 6: The Normal Distribution

Chapter 7: The Central Limit Theorem

Chapter 8: Confidence Intervals

Chapter 9: Hypothesis Tests with One Sample

Chapter 10: Hypothesis Testing with Two Samples

Chapter 11: Chi-Square Distribution: Goodness-of-Fit

Chapter 12: Linear Regression and Correlation

Appendix: Tables