Hydrostatic Force

This is our final physics application: hydrostatic force. As the name suggests (hydro- (water) + static (not moving)), it is the force exerted by an unmoving body of water. Think, for example, of a dam; when designing a dam, we need to be able to calculate the amount of force it needs to withstand.

Dam sideview

Notice that the dam is thicker at the base than it is at the top. This is because the force exerted by the water at the bottom is greater than at the top.


There are two pieces that we need to put together to talk about hydrostatic force.

The first piece is that water pressure can be calculated by P=ρgdP = \rho g d where ρ\rho (Greek rho) is the density of water, gg is the gravitational acceleration, and dd is the depth. Since ρ\rho and gg are constants, all the determines pressure is depth: as you go deeper, the pressure increases.

Note on units

In English units, ρg=62.5\rho g = 62.5, and in metric units, ρ=1000\rho = 1000 and g=9.81g = 9.81, so ρg=9810\rho g = 9810. In either case, the units on ρg\rho g are force per unit volume.

The units lead into the second thing we need to know: pressure is equal to force divided by area. P=FAP = \dfrac{F}{A}

Putting these two pieces together: FA=ρgd\dfrac{F}{A} = \rho g d

Finally, we can solve for FF, since force is the part that we're interested in at the moment: F=(ρgd)(Area)\ans{F = (\rho g d)(\textrm{Area})}

In this section, we'll calculate the force that is exerted on the side of a vertical plate submerged in water, similar to the case of a dam.

Each time, we'll need to slice the plate into horizontal slices, since the force depends on depth, so we need each slice to have a consistent depth (hence a thin slice, so that the difference in depth between the top and the bottom is approximately zero).

Let's see how this works with an example.

Force on a Triangular Plate

Find the force exerted by the water on the plate shown below.

Triangular plate


First, cut a horizontal slice out of this plate at a position xx:

Slice of triangular plate

Remember that the force on a slice will be Fslice=ρg dsliceAsliceF_{slice} = \rho g\ \cdot d_{slice} \cdot A_{slice}


To find the area of the slice, we need to find an expression for yy, which varies with xx: xy0430\begin{array}{c c} x & y\ \hline 0 & 4\ 3 & 0 \end{array}

y=43x+4y = -\dfrac{4}{3}x + 4

Then Aslice=(43x+4) ΔxA_{slice} = \left(-\dfrac{4}{3}x + 4\right) \ \Delta x


Since xx starts at the top of the plate (11 ft below the surface of the water), the depth of a slice at position xx will be dslice=x+1d_{slice} = x+1


Since this problem uses English units, ρg=62.5\rho g = 62.5 so Fslice=62.5(x+1)(43x+4) ΔxF_{slice} = 62.5(x+1)\left(-\dfrac{4}{3}x + 4\right) \ \Delta x

The total force will be the integral of this function over the range of the plate: xx goes from 00 to 33: F=62.503(x+1)(43x+4) dx=62.50343x2+83x+4 dx=62.5[49x3+43x2+4x]03=750 lb\begin{aligned} F &= 62.5 \int_0^3 (x+1)\left(-\dfrac{4}{3}x + 4\right) \ dx\ &= 62.5 \int_0^3 -\dfrac{4}{3}x^2 + \dfrac{8}{3}x + 4 \ dx\ &= 62.5 \left[-\dfrac{4}{9}x^3 + \dfrac{4}{3}x^2 + 4x\right]_0^3\ &= \ans{750\ \textrm{lb}} \end{aligned}

Force on a Trapezoidal Plate

Find the force exerted by the water on the plate shown below.

Trapezoidal plate


This slice, as always in these problems, is a thin rectangle:

Slice of trapezoidal plate


Find yy the same way as before: xy0422\begin{array}{c c} x & y\ \hline 0 & 4\ 2 & 2 \end{array}

y=x+4y = -x + 4

Then Aslice=(x+4) ΔxA_{slice} = (-x+4)\ \Delta x


We set the origin at the top of the plate (which helped with the geometry part), and the water surface is 11 m below that point, so the depth at any xx value will be 11 m less than xx: dslice=x1d_{slice} = x-1


The force on a slice will be Fslice=ρgd(Aslice)=1000(9.81)(x1)(x+4) Δx\begin{aligned} F_{slice} &= \rho g d (A_{slice})\ &= 1000(9.81)(x-1)(-x+4)\ \Delta x \end{aligned}

Finally, the total force will be the integral of this function from 11 to 22, since that is the range over which water covers the plate: F=981012x2+5x4 dx=9810[13x3+52x24x]12=11,445 N\begin{aligned} F &= 9810 \int_1^2 -x^2+5x-4\ dx\ &= 9810 \left[-\dfrac{1}{3}x^3 + \dfrac{5}{2}x^2 - 4x\right]_1^2\ &= \ans{11,445\ N} \end{aligned}

  1. Find the force exerted by the water on the plate shown below.

    Another triangular plate

  2. y=45xAslice=(45x) Δxdslice=xFslice=9810x(45x) ΔxF=98100545x2 dx=326,667 N\begin{aligned} y &= \dfrac{4}{5}x\ A_{slice} &= \left(\dfrac{4}{5}x\right)\ \Delta x\ d_{slice} &= x\ F_{slice} &= 9810x\left(\dfrac{4}{5}x\right)\ \Delta x\ F &= 9810 \int_0^5 \dfrac{4}{5}x^2\ dx\ &= \ans{326,667 \ N} \end{aligned}